The fiah were hungry today! Jeff Leininger from Intervet brought Jeff, Kirk & Brad to join Capt. Don and me for their spring outing today. The high dirty water has definitely done wonders to calm the fish and get them in a much better mood to play. Jeff & Jeff were in my boat today (made remembering names easy) the guys had a great day today with numerous fish brought to hand. A sampling of the fish that found the offerings of Caddis, Antron Bugs & Steelhead candy too good to resist is below. (Capt Don has some samplings from his boat in his entry)
There are still a good number of fish in the system and we have dates available if you want to get out and get another day of steelheading in before your thoughts turn to opening the cottage or dusting off the trailer – give us a call.
Capt. Dave DeVries