
Wonderful day on the Manistee today:  gorgeous fall weather and great company.  Very few fish in the upper river, however, but John and his 91 year-old father-in-law Harold, managed to connect with some kings.  Our landing percentage wasn’t the best, but it didn’t matter to the guys;  Harold has boated more fish than he can remember, and John, always the gracious host, makes the day all about Dad.  It’s time on the water with men like John and Harold makes guiding so enjoyable.  Today, John and Harold made a memory, and I was privileged to be a part of it.

As for the state of the salmon run, things are late, late, late.  Here’s hoping for the fish in the lower river to get on their horses and head on up…soon!  Pictured is John with the hen he brought to hand.

Thanks, John and Harold.  I truly enjoyed our day on the water together.

Captain Tom Kuieck