After having an enjoyable weekend off we were back on the water last evening for what I could only imagine would be an ideal night due to the perfect weather. Harry and Mike joined me for what we hoped would be a banner evening of dry fly fishing. We started off blind fishing stimulator patterns with a great deal of success for the 10 inchers. As the evening progressed I was stunned to be in a section of river that was nearly void of insect activity until practically 9:30pm. I think the bugs had a bit too much time in the sun or something? We finally found bugs just as my customers were running out of visibility; they had forgotten their glasses (oops)! Well to say we caught the big one this time would be a stretch but we did have a few opporitunities right at dark. Isonychias, Gray Drakes, Sulfers, Caddis, and giant Stone flies are the order of the day if they decide to grace us with their presents.
Tight lines,