It is Saturday morning, I am lounging around the house enjoying a nice quiet cup of coffee relaxing a bit after a very good spring steelhead season. It has been a great season and I am looking forward to the many opportunities that lay ahead for the rest of the year. Trout season is really starting to warm up, as the weather warms into June & July, Smallies and Carp on the bay, then the Atlantics and Skamania in July and August, and then the big boys, the Kings on the Manistee and the Muskegon will bring us into fall.
As we move into summer and everyone gets busy I want to remind you all of our trip to Alaska in August of 2010 (Check out the destinations link for full details). There are plenty of open spots yet and if you are interested, make sure you check it out and give us a call to reserve your spot. This should be a great time, Steve and I would love to have you join us.
2009 has been, thanks to you our clients & friends, a great year so far. There are many more opportunities to come and we would love to see you out with us for some new adventures. Speaking of adventures – make sure you check back here frequently over the next few days as, we at RiverQuest have some new adventures on the horizon and will be sharing them with you soon; this announcement will be the biggest in the 13 year history at RiverQuest!
Capt. Dave DeVries