

 Well, the old adage is true. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Mark O’Brien and Jim Burden got handed lemons this morning with high cool water, poor visibility, rain & high traffic. They were in good spirits even though we were expecting a very hard day on the river. Well the boys sure made lemonade, they took what could have been a very bad day and turned it into the best day of fishing that I have had so far this season. They each landed numerous Steelhead, a few walleyes thrown in for good measure and Jim landed the beautiful 19″ brown in the photo. I would have liked to be able to include more photos but the rain kept my camera under wraps for most of the day. Large and dark was the key for the day. The steelhead & Brown were all taken on either a steelhead bugger, antron bug, or headbanger hex. The only thing we could get on egg patterns were a couple rainbows & the walleye. Thanks for the great day guys.
