
Finally I have returned home from the Manistee. I will begin fishing the Muskegon River tomorrow; Don and Fred were both on the Muskegon today. Fishing is improving but extremely low water will challenge us until we get much needed rain. As I reflect on the last 8 weeks on the Manistee I am very thankful for the option of another river. Though the Muskegon is our home our job is to put clients on fish; thanks to all of our customers who were willing to travel another hour North so we could provide good fishing opportunities.


Pat Mc Gee and his brother Terry joined me yesterday for my last (hopefully) Manistee River trip of the fall. With all of the action getting Pat and Terry to slow down for a picture was the most challenging part of the day. The Manistee is certainly past peak now with lots of “warrior” salmon still present; steelhead fishing will certainly now start to take the focus.

Pray for rain!

Tight lines,
