South Africa meets Florida meets Michigan. Tony from South Africa and Josh from Tampa, Florida, both of whom are business associates, spent the day with me chasing chrome with fat lines and indicators on switch rods. True to form, the majority of the steelhead won the battles with incidentally hooked Chinook bending rods throughout the day. Exceptional casters both, Tony and Josh were on a four day salmon and steelhead journey, taking them from the Pere Marquette to the Muskegon, where they spent two days with RiverQuest guide Jay Allen and me looking for chrome. Capping their hunt with two nights at the Muskegon River Lodge, the guys had one fantastic fly fishing adventure.
Pictured is Tony with a skipper he spotted some forty feet plus away, which, on Tony’s second shot, turned and took the fly—a classic nymph take we all witnessed. Beautiful!
Thanks Tony and Josh! Hope the spring steelhead trip with RiverQuest works out.
Captain Tom Kuieck