Chamber of Commerce day on the Muskegon; no marketing maven could have created a more perfect, peaceful day on the water. Salmon cooperated as did a steelhead, chrome bright, that burnt line, leaped, and was gone. Scott was new to fly fishing, but within less than five casts, he was laying out some major line. Bryan, his host, recalled past lessons well so it wasn’t long before both were fast to Kings. Some salmon are continuing to move up the river, but spawning is well underway for others with males aggressively vying for position with ladies fair.
Thanks Bryan and Scott, for a terrific day on the water! Loved the conversation ranging from the spiritual to that beloved topic of mine, whitetail deer hunting. Scott already has filled his Michigan tags; one an eight point and the other an 11 point with a 19′ inch spread. Just goes to show that Michigan can grow impressive bucks if people would just lay off shooting babies and manage their properties to the advantage of wildlife! No lost remainder of the hunting season for Scott, though; he’ll take does to balance the herd and prep for his second Idaho elk hunt, followed by pheasants in South Dakota. Some guys just have it figured out.! Happy for you, Scott—and Bryan—given that you’ll be at the Lions/Bears game Monday night, please, please, bring us a victory!
Pictured top to bottom are Scott, Bryan, and a Steelhead Candy King.
Captain Tom Kuieck