Whoa! The river—she’s arising! We jumped from 4400 cfs when we put in this morning only to have it running in the 5700’s by the end of the day. We’re right on the edge so far as the river being fishable. Nonetheless, Dave Cratty and his friend and colleague, Jason, posted double digit hookups with six steelhead finding the net. Jason had never fly fished before and or battled a steelhead. He hooked four and learned quickly that steelhead, especially those in heavy water, don’t come easily to the boat. He had his shots and good sport that he was, Jason simply resolved to give it another go someday down the line. Dave, with the benefit of years of fly fishing experience on the Muskegon and elsewhere, put his expertise to work and basically ran a clinic on how to fight steelhead agressively and quickly. Top flies today were the chartreuse and Oregon cheese nuke egg, flashback stone, and the Headbanger Hex in orange. Pictured are two of Dave’s steelhead. Thanks, Dave and Jason for a most enjoyable day on the water!

