“What a relief it was!”

After weeks of high river flows and more wind than I ever care to deal with again, today all the steelhead stars aligned for a beautiful morning of spring steelhead fly fishing. Morning only because Jeff and his nephew suggested that we head back to the landing before the rains were to arrive and then tailgate our lunch, sans the grilled pork. So, that’s precisely what we did—a first for me in some 20 years of commercial guiding!
The guys were into steelhead all morning, and Grant lost the proverbial “big one,” a chrome bright hen, after a protracted, boat chase and tussle. Jeff videotaped it all, though, so that helped assuage Grant’s disappointment, I’m sure.. Here, Jeff poses one of the bucks he brought to hand today.
Fishing conditions on the Muskegon River are favorable, though persistence is key to success. Thanks for a terrific day—albeit a shortened one—Jeff and Grant!

Tom Kuieck