Grandpa’s Gift

Man, do I love it when I have the privilege of guiding a family group assembled from near and far by a grandfather whose love for his grandsons led him to book a two boat fly fishing trip with Captain Don Graham and me. What a beautiful day of bonding for the guys, and what a great day it proved for steelhead fishing to boot! Grandfather Chuck refused my repeated request to pick a rod and start casting saying instead, that he simply wanted to watch the guys hook steelhead and love doing it. And, indeed, they did on both counts! Although the steelhead season is winding down, as evidenced by the number of dropback hens we are now landing and by the brilliance of color the males now display, the fish fought very hard, and Don said one of the fish they lost after a protracted battle was the largest steelhead he’d seen hooked all spring, leaving the guys and Chuck wishing the fourth grandson could have made the trip from Chicago, too. Instead, their Dad Tom stood in resulting in a three generations great time. In all, it made for a terrific day!

Posing some of the fish hooked today are Chris with a buck and hen and Kyle with a drop back hen —plus a shot of all the guys who made this day on Michigan’s Muskegon River so special.

Captain Tom Kuieck