Dad Jeff and 11 year old son, Tyler, cast fly rods for smallmouth bass for their first time today with me on the Muskegon River. Although the cold night before may have prompted the bass to seal their lips until after lunch, it was a flat-out gorgeous day on the river. Tyler, who is one of those young people who is intrinsically fascinated by all things wild and especially fish, recently received his first fly rod so we put it to work. Although we shifted to intermediate sink tip lines later in the day, Tyler did well with his rod and is determined to build on what he learned today. He poses his first smallmouth taken with a fly rod and in the thumbnail pic, hoists a very healthy largemouth bass that he boated near the end of the day. Dad’s fish were camera shy, but hey, next time, they, too, may find their way into the memory book. Just a great day of learning and enjoying Michigan’s Muskegon River a wonderful father and son!
Captain Tom Kuieck