
What a pleasure to host a father/son team who give their personal time to recruit and train youngsters via a six year course of study with field and stream hands-on application in the joys of fly fishing.  The efforts of the Order of the Jungle Cock are impressive: young people who have graduated from the program now as parents are teaching their children and others fly tying, entomology, fly casting, ecology, and public service.  John so trained his son Alex, who now serves as president of the organization.  Friend and fellow fly fishing guide, Dr. Captain Scott Smith arranged the trip, and his efforts not only benefited the kids in the program but John, Alex, and me.  We simply had a wonderful day together, and despite river flows just below the action stage for flooding, the steelhead cooperated and posed for the camera.  Toss in some lively conversation from attorney John about his work in the State of Michigan’s Attorney General’s Office and inspiring information from Alex about the activities of the club, and you have the makings for a day that just flew by.

Once again, our game plan was to blind fish with larger more colorful flies in areas of known spawning redds.  Clown eggs, Steelhead Buggers, and Antron Stones turned the trick today.  I’m afraid, though, if we get the heavy rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow, the river will blow out, and we along with our clients will be walking about with long faces.  Here’s hoping that somehow, someway, the heavy rain passes us by.

Thanks, John and Alex, for all you do for the next generations of fly fishermen (and women).

Captain Tom Kuieck