Today finished out Jack & Janice’s time with us for this season. It has been a great joy to be able to spend time with them. Their love of life and the outdoors is a pleasure to behold. We spent the day trying to get ahold of some chrome for them, however, the closest we could come was a good number of nice rainbows like the one pictured above. Jack was able to land a nice buck early in the morning but after that it was all about Janice, She was the rainbow queen and also managed to hook, fight & land the nice 14# buck. It was hard to tell who was happier Jack or Janice.
Salmon numbers continue to fall along with the water after a brief spike yesterday. We saw a couple Steehead cruising behind the redds but could get nothing to take. The trout provided most of the fun today as they were very aggresive to clown eggs drifted over the shelf into the dark water behind the redds. The few salmon we got to take today were interested in caddis & antron Hex patterns.
There are fish in the system but plan on covering a lot of water and putting in a lot of work.