Great times on the MO! Take your pick: salmon or steelhead. Steelhead numbers are now sufficient to warrant targeting them exclusively. Eric, though, opted for salmon today so son Adam could be assured of repeated hookups. I like to use the readily available salmon as hands-on instructional opportunities not only with the C & D rods but with indicator rigged rods as well. Learning to cast and manage indies is an excellent introduction to classic fly fishing with false casting, mending, and line management. Eric is already a fly fisherman and while Adam had used both methods a bit, he welcomed the instruction and caught on quickly. A wide receiver for the West Ottawa Panthers in the high school playoffs, Adam was bit by the fly fishing bug pretty well today, and I anticipate the sport has a new recruit. As for Eric, he’s long-gone hooked and eager to learn more. Great guys both: it was a privilege to guide father and son for what I am sure will be a day long remembered and treasured.
Captain Tom Kuieck