Overcast skies gave us opportunities all day as Paul and his guest Steve fished with me today. Steve is a confirmed Thunderstick tosser so he approached the entire fly fishing scene with curiosity, if not healthy skepticism. But jump in he did, quickly laying out some very nice line and demonstrating his fish fighting prowess. His verdict: “This fly fishing is addicting!” Yes, Steve, it certainly is. Both Steve and Paul moved between “C&D” on the Scott rods and indicator and floating line rigs on the Sage switch rods. Steve can’t wait now to roll out his new-found skills for his plug tossing buddy. As for the salmon, yesterday was ladies day; today the guys dominated the action. Again, the chartreuse nuke egg snared the most lips. Steve holds one of the fish he took today. All in all, a most enjoyable day with two friends and colleagues. Thanks much, Paul and Steve!
Tom Kuieck