Father and son team, Peter and Arioc, from Boston hopped in my boat Monday for some salmon action on the fly rod. Both had fished the Muskegon previously via C & D, but neither had used the switch rods with indicators and fat lines. So, lessons for all! Both caught on very quickly and soon were executing some clean drifts through the salmon. The young guy smoked his dad pretty bad, but to dad’s credit, he insisted that his son get plenty of rod time as they alternated casting to the fish. Pictured are the two happy guys with some of the salmon they brought to the boat.
On Tuesday, fellow members of the Gary party—John, son Bob, and Frank—joined me in the boat. The guys were patient as we searched and searched for that right set-up on Kings. Some days, it seems as if the fish gods say, “Here they are, ready to take: have at it!” and others it’s more like, “Dare you to hook us!” The fish we found were having little part of our offerings, no matter how well presented. So, it was a few fish hooked here and there kind of day. Nevertheless, it was a good day: Bob had never fished a switch rod with an indicator before, and he caught on amazingly quickly to what it was all about. So, too, with Frank, who though a fly fisherman from Colorado, had never tossed flies quite like this—let a lone needing to lay out the line 30-40 feet with no drag. But, he, too, started grooving his casting and presentation by days end. As for John, organizer of the trip, he spent most of the day resting his arm and shoulder from the heavy workout the Kings gave him the day before with my son Steve and cheering on Bob and Frank. In short, a great group of guys whom I enjoyed hosting. Thanks much to the Gary gang: hope we can do it again. Pictured is Bob with a buck he brought to hand.
Captain Tom Kuieck