Nature’s palette is on the verge of bursting with color! As the attached photos reflects, Fall’s annual display has begun with reds and yellows interspersed with the forest greens. In short, as the clouds waned and the sun emerged, the day became gorgeous on the Muskegon as we guided the Scott Roe group. Calm winds and bright sunlight around noon left us repeatedly commenting on the beauty of the river valley. The four guys fished hard for two days and were rewarded with numerous hookups, good times, and memories sure to ease the challenges the weather poses in the months ahead. We fished the upper river today, and it’s evident by the number of fish completing their spawning chores that the bulk of the run is winding down. Nonetheless, newer fish continue to work their way up the river, responding to green caddis, pale peach eggs, sparrows, buggers, and Captain Don’s favorite today—the ever popular purple egg sucking leech! Pictured at top is Jim and below him, Scott, with a couple of the salmon they took today.
Thanks much, guys, for two good days on the water. We look forward to hosting you again next year.
Captain Tom Kuieck