
Day two with Tom Sr. and Tom Jr. was as good or better than day one of yesterday. No steelhead today, but again, Tom Sr. went into his Zen-like fishing zone—casting and managing the drift day-long with a passion. The man is a flatout fish vacuum. In the peasoup fog of this morning, his first two fish were body hooked, but from then on Tom Sr. fought and landed fish after mouth-hooked fish. Oregon cheese and cherise nuke eggs and the Antron Hex were top flies today. Double digit hookups and landings equate to a good day for two fishermen, but for one? Tom Sr. was that on. For his part, Tom Jr. was content to cheer on his Dad, turn a few fish, and enjoy another gorgeous July day in September. And me? I love my guiding career, regardless of whom I host, but I must say that the last two days were extraordinarily rich in conversation, fishing action, and comraderie. Thanks, guys, for a most memorable two days. Pictured below are Tom Sr. with a couple of the kings he landed and the Manistee River sunrise shrouded in fog.

Tom Kuieck