The road show continues this weekend and next with with Captain Fred Vargas as a featured fly tyer at the West Michigan Celebration of Fly Tying produced by the Grand River Fly Tyers and Dennis potter in conjunction with River House Fly Company. For more information visit:
Fred will again be featuring his creative side with modern tube fly patterns for steelhead angler. Be sure to ask Fred for his availability for a guided day on the water using tube flies and sinking lines. Fred has decided to focus his on-the-water duties (as much as possible) to the traditional side of fly fishing. Fred’s long time industry connections will allow for the use of some of the most cutting edge equipment for the traditional angler.
Next week Thursday finds the entire RiverQuest crew heading to Warren, Michigan for the Mid-West Fly Fishing Expo brought to you by the Michigan Fly Fishing Club. This show as always brings to you one of the largest gatherings of the fly fishing industry anywhere in the Mid West.
Steelhead fishing on the Muskegon continues to improve though the day-to-day bite can be tough with the extremely cold water. The current river temperature is holding at 33 degrees. The flow has increased from 3400cfs to almost 3700cfs and should continue to rise from the big rain yesterday. Steelhead fishing should be very good next week provided the river does not get to carried away.
If you have been on the fence about your spring booking now is the time to call! Dates are filling and prime slots are becoming less easy to put together. While the economy has kept some prime dates open these will not last. Please call or email for details.
Capt. Steven Kuieck