Winter has made another return to West Michigan; it is a brisk 17 degrees outside with winds to 30mph! I am glad that we will indoor at the Great Waters Expo 2009 in Schaumburg Illinois. This years show is slated to be better than last with many great speakers and vendors. We will of course have our booth; Captains Tom, Don, and myself will be holding down the floor while Captain Fred is a featured fly tier. Be sure to stop by and watch Fred create some of his marvelous deer hair smallmouth bugs! Captain Dave will grace us Saturday after handling some unforeseen family business. For more information please visit The Great Waters Expo website .
The weather is slated to warm up significantly into the upper thirties by mid-week which will provide us ample opportunity to be on the water- give us a call if you are interested.
See you at the show!
Capt. Steven Kuieck