Wheres Waldo

Sorry to keep you waiting for a report! Life has been a little hectic around the Kuieck household the last week as i have been out most nights on the river, contractors at the lodge completely re-staining the entire facility, and packing for a weeks vacation with the family to our summer place in Leland, MI. Fishing over the week on the Mo’ was great if you were willing through the “big chickens” off 8wt’s with 300 gr sink tips, we saw and hooked some fabulous trout. However if you wonder, no pics, well, the reason was lots of rain, we weren’t dry fly fishing as the daily does of heavy rain and storms sent the river flows all over the place, and kept my camera high and dry. Currently the river is falling and dry fly fishing has improved with both green and tan caddis, bwo’s too have moved into the spot light and have some of our nicer fish presenting themselves earlier in the day. Smallmouth bass are becoming much more frequent as water temperatures remain cool but favorable for our bronze-back friends.

Today I put some miles on in West Grand Travers Bay,  and due to a favorable off-shore wind, the Northern coast of the Leelanua peninsula. Smallmouth bass numbers remain viable, however the carp seemed very content to stay out nearer to the blue line. Regardless, sneaking along the North coast of Leland is something seldom few ever do–even with out a cast it’s a special opportunity.

Capt. Steven Kuieck
