High Sky Bow-Bows

Ross and Craig joined me today on the Mo’ for a day of nymphing. Gorgeous, would be the only way to describe this perfect June day–this certainly was a drastic improvement in weather and stream conditions that kept us off the river nearly a month ago. Ross, a long-time fly fisherman tamed a number of fat Muskegon River bow’s and browns this morning before things slowed under the crisp blue skies. Craig, new to traditional fly fishing, quickly took to the rhythm and in short order was laying line and bending his 5 wt. Craig landed several but opted to hold out for the big one before he smiled for the camera.

Drakes were plentiful this morning from 9am to 10:30am with decent copulation occurring. Evening hatches have progressed nicely (the East exterior lodge walls have been blanketed the past few mornings) with drakes, sulphers, and caddis taking the lime light. Most of the RQ crew are on the river this evening, while my 2nd shift lifestyle ramps up tomorrow. Pictured is Ross with an early fish from this morning.

Capt. Steven Kuieck