
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

With two unfilled cancellations  I just could not let this beautiful 70 degree day go by without some river time scouting for the rest of the week. Capt. Dave joined me today to celebrate this prelude to spring and summer. Fishing today was very good for us with 5 nice steelhead making their way to the net. The bite was fairly peculiar though; if the fish were willing to play in a given drift they typically hit within the first 10 casts or so. While multiple fish were not uncommon from a couple of the pools, most spots gave up only one fish. Methodically working the pools proved only to satisfy ones need to cast. Clown eggs were top producers today with only one fish taking a nymph.

The river has stabilized at around 4500cfs and visibility is improving daily. Two gates remain open at the dam but no rise in the water is forecast. River temperatures are holding steady at 36 degrees. I would foresee fishing to be good to very good from now until the end in late May. We have some great dates available for those of you who have been on the fence to this point; give us a call if you are interested.

Capt. Steve Kuieck